services: HOAI 1–5
projects: Residential and Mixed-Use in Munich – ongoing
project cooperation: with M.Hauser and Bau!Raum
Over a period of two decades, zectorarchitects has realised a long series of residential and mixed-use projects in close co-operation with Munich based architect Moritz Hauser for local developer Bau!Raum. GmbH. The projects respond to both, the suburban quality of the neighbourhoods as well as the centrality within an expanding city. The units evolve along common themes like maisonette configurations or materiality and colour. The set-backs on roof level and the articulation of pitched roof spaces are induced by current planning legislation and the requirements to achieve maximimum building volumes, yet we conceive of this as a chance to provide private external spaces on roof terrace level and access to direct sunlight, as a response to the a gradually densifying suburban environment. All projects feature different unit typologies based on specific site constraints and the developers’ interest in diversity.